The goal of this page is not to showcase every good book ever published or every book I ever read. The goal is to share the books that had the greatest impact on the way I look at the world, especially the business world. Don't hesitate to buy any book of this list, you won't waste your money.

PS: I update this list but keep it a decent size (if I add, I remove)
PPS: if you're new to one category, buy the books with two stars (**), in bold

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Marketing / Behaviour / Decision-making

Influence - Robert Cialdini**
Switch - Heath**
Decisive - Heath** 
Superforcasting - Philip Tetlock**
Source of power - Gary Klein**
Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow - Daniel Kahneman**
Negotiation Analysis - Howard Raiffa**
Rules for Radicals - Saul D. Alinsky**
Think Twice - Michael J. Mauboussin**
Mindware: Tools for Smart Thinking - Richard E. Nisbett**
Algorithms To Live By - Christian, Griffiths
Making Numbers Count - Heath, Starr
How Brands Grow - Byron Sharp
The social animal - Elliot Aronson
Invisible Influence - Jonah Berger
Explaining Social Behavior - Jon Elster
Ulysses and the Sirens: Studies in Ratinality and Irrationality  - Jon Elster
Ogilvy on Advertising - David Ogilvy
Hooked - Eyal
Nudge - Richard H. Thaler
Predictably irrational - Ariely
Making habits, breaking habits - Deann
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Social Science

Storytelling / content marketing

Made to stick - Heath**
Contagious - Jonah Berger**
Story - Robert McKee**
On Writing - Stephen King**
Telling true stories - Mark Kramer**
The anatomy of Story - John Truby
Into the wood - John Yorke
Resonate - Nancy Duarte*
The Naked Presenter - G Reynolds
Understanding Comics, The Invisible Art - S. McCloud
Elements of Fiction Writing - Characters & Viewpoint - Orson Scott Card
On Directing Film - David Mamet
On Film-Making - Alexander Mackendrick
The Uses of Enchantment - Bruno Bettelheim

Startup /  Innovation / Strategy

High Output Management - Andy Grove**
Thinking Strategically - Avinash K. Dixit & Barry J. Nalebuff**
Good Strategy, Bad Strategy, Richard Rumelt**
7 Powers: The Foundations of Business Strategy de Hamilton Helmer**
The Hard Things About Hard Things - Ben Horowitz
Blitzscaling - Reid Hoffman
Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy - Carl Shapiro
Diffusion of Innovation, Everett M. Rogers
Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick - Chris Bradley
The Management Myth - M. Stewart
Notes on the synthesis of form - Christopher Alexander**
The Effective Executive - Peter Drucker
The Essential Drucker - Peter Drucker
The 4-Hour Work Week - Tim Ferriss
The Lords of Strategy - Walter Kiechel
The E-myth - Michael Gerber
The Innovator's Dilemma - Clayton M. Christensen
Strategy Safari - Henry Mintzberg
Zero to One - Peter Thiel
The Lean Startup - Eric Ries
Running lean - Ash Maurya
Business Model Generation - Alexander Osterwalder
Crossing the Chasm - Geoffrey A. Moore


Narrative and Numbers - Aswath Damodaran**
Investment Fables - Aswath Damodaran**
Private Equity Laid Bare - Ludovic Phalippou**
The Wisdom of Finance - Mihir Desai**
A Practitioner’s Guide to Asset Allocation - William Kinlaw**
The Essays of Warren Buffett - Warren Buffett
The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham
Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, - McKinsey & Company Inc.
Common Sense on Mutual Funds - John C. Bogle
Money Master the Game - Robins
Lords of Finance - Liaquat Ahamed
Going Public - Dakin Campbell

Digital Culture

Superintelligence - Nick Bostrom
Power, Inc. - David Rothkopf
To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological Solutionism - Evgeny Morozov
Encyclopédie de la webculture - Diane Lisarelli* (FR)
Smart - Frédéric Martel (FR)
Vous avez dit progrès ? - Jean-Baptiste Rudelle (FR)

Design / Produit

Full collection of A Book Apart
Design for hackers - David Kadavy**
slide:ologie - Nancy Duarte
100 things every design needs to know about people - Weinschenk
Presentation Zen Design - Garr Reynolds
Universal Principles of design - William Lidwell

Éditions françaises :
Typographie guide pratique - Damien Gautier
L’oeil du photographe et l’art de la composition - Michael Freeman


Antoine Saint Exupery: Wisdom of the Sands**, The Little PrinceWind, Sands and StarsNight Flight
Albert Camus: Summer, Nuptials, The Just Assassins, The Plague, The Fall, Caligula, The Misunderstanding, The Stranger
The Brothers Karamazov**
Vladimir Nabokov: Lolita**Novels
Jack London: Martin Eden**Novels and stories
Ernest Hemingway: The Old Man and The Sea**The Complete Short Stories
Milan Kundera: Laughable Loves**The Unbearable Lightness of BeingThe Art of the Novel
John Steinbeck: Of Mice and Men**The Grasp of WrathThe Pearl
Rainer Maria Rilke: Letters to a Young Poet**
Stefan Zweig: 
The Collected Stories of Stefan Zweig**

Éditions françaises :
Antoine Saint Exupery : CitadelleTerre des hommesVol de NuitLe Petit Prince
Vladimira Nabokov : LolitaNouvelles complètes
Albert Camus: Œuvres complètes
Jack London : Martin EdenL’amour de la vieL’appel de la forêtConstruire un feu
Ernest Hemingway : Le veil homme et la merNouvelles complètes
Milan Kundera : Risibles AmoursL’insoutenable légèreté de l’êtreL’Art du roman
John Steinbeck : Des souris et des hommesLa PerleLes raisins de la colère
Rainer Maria Rilke : Lettres à un jeune poète


HR For Startups - Willy Braun** (USUK, GERFRESJPIT)
Team of teams - General Stanley McChrystal**
Radical Candor - Kim Scott**
How Google Works - Eric Schmidt**
Work Rules! - Laszlo Bock**
The Progress Principle - Teresa Amabile & Steven Kramer**
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing People**
Who - Geoff Smart**
What You Do Is Who You Are, Ben Horowitz
Leaders: Myth and Reality Leaders - McChrystal, Mangone & al
Delivering Happiness - Tony Hsieh
Creativity Inc - Ed Catmull
Let My People Go Surfing - Yvon Chouinard
The Score Takes Care of Itself: My Philosophy of Leadership - Bill Walsh
It's Your Ship - Michael Abrashoff 


Brand thinking and other noble pursuits - Debbie Millman**
Building Strong Brands - David A. Aaker
The new strategic brand management - JN Kapferer

Biz dev/networking

Getting to Yes - Roger Fisher
How to talk to anyone - Leil Lowndes
never eat alone - Keith Ferrazzi
To Sell Is Human - Daniel Pink

Media / Entertainment

Blockbusters - Anita Elberse**
Trust me I’m Lying - Ryan Holiday
Mainstream - Frédéric Martel (FR)

Economy & social sciences

The Idea of Justice - Amartya Sen**
A history of civilizations - Fernand Braudel
Capital in Twenty-First Century - Thomas Piketty

Éditions françaises :
Brève histoire de la pensée économique - Jacques Valier
Pour une révolution fiscale : Un impôt sur le revenu pour le XXIe siècle - Thomas Piketty
Repenser l'État - Pour une nouvelle social-démocratie - Philippe Aghion
Trois leçons sur la société post-industrielle - Daniel Cohen 
La libéralisme économique - Pierre Rosanvallon
La dynamique du capitalisme - Fernand Braudel
Grammaire des civilisations - Fernand Braudel

Toute la collection La République des Idées